Our Services

Pay As You Go

Pay as you go payment options for work comp are available through our program. This pay as you go payment plan ensures you will only pay premium for the payroll you actually run through your company. This eliminates annual audits, frees up cash flow and takes the guesswork from estimating your actual payroll on an annual basis. In the end this just makes sense to only pay what you owe when you owe it. Accurate premium calculations... We tell you the NET costs upfront at binding so there is no guesswork to determine your actual rate for work comp. This way you can better determine your overhead costs for operating your business. With competitive commissions to agents we can work direct with you or your current agency relationship to make sure you get the best possible service.     

"Your proven work comp SOLUTION"

Call Us Today: 865-963-1224


Risk Management

The most effective way to reduce your overall costs long term is to implement a proactive risk management strategy. These risk management strategies will help you prevent injuries and assist workers in getting back to work in the event of a work comp injury. We understand that every minute of lost productivity hurts your business, so we take pride in closing work comp claims faster than the competition. This is a win-win scenario for the employer and the insurance company. We can provide specialized risk evaluations for all industries to help identify potential issues before they become problem areas. We certainly don't want to tell anyone how to run their business but a fresh perspective from our professional team is usually appreciated when identifying potential hazards to your workforce. Our customized risk management plans are a proactive approach to reducing potential losses that can affect overall insurance costs for years. 

Experience Mod Rehabilitation

Your experience modification factor is produced annually based on your prior 3 years of losses. The rating bureau for your state will recieve this information from the prior work comp carrier(s) and formulate an experience modification factor which is multiplied by your base premium. As many have found out the hard way, this factor can continue to get out of control if you aren't careful. And with the recent changes in NCCI states, the larger "shock" losses are affecting more than in past years. Our professional team will review this information with you and determine a proactive plan to reduce the factor. With risk management in place to keep it low we typically see results in as little as 2 years since the most current year hasn't even come into play. Our immediate savings on work comp can buy an employer time to repair the prior deficiencies that affected their mod in past years so they can begin to get some relief on their premium long term. We hope this will add some loyalty to us for providing such a value added service. 

Claims Services

In the unlikely event of a claim we are here to assist you through this typically stressful time. Our highly trained claims professionals are results driven and have the experience and resources to help deliver the best possible outcome on every claim. Specialized handlers in workmans' Compensation claims units and know how to manage losses and help employees return to work. They will be the employers guide throughout the entire process open to close. 

The way it works:

  1. Report the claim on the necessary state first report of injury form
  2. Gather any witness and management statements
  3. An accident investigation will begin immediately to better understand your claim
  4. Your claims handler will create a specific plan of action and treatment
  5. Your claim will be resolved quickly and fairly

We will be your advocate to help the claim close quickly providing our expert advice throughout the process. As your advocate, we will exhaust all resources to ensure we get the most favorable outcome for everyone involved. We know that proactive communication is critical in resolving work comp claims quickly and fairly. You can count on our experienced claims professionals to keep you informed as best possible throughout the entire process.